Caroline Launches Her ‘Train Like a Gladiator’ Power Plate Classes in Asia

30 minute high intensity killer workouts!

Caroline visited the premium Virgin Active and Fitness First clubs in Bangkok, Thailand to showcase her new class concepts designed using Power Plate. Members and trainers took part in this high energy event.

Classes included:

Train Like An Athlete – This mixed martial arts inspired workout involves boxing, kickboxing and sports conditioning exercises with clients working in pairs super setting exercises on & off the machine.

The Gladiator Workout – Caroline’s tried and tested legs-arms-abs rotation system of exercises interspersed with cardio burners makes up this workout. Tough but effective with minimal rest!

360 Degree Abs – working your core from every angle each circuit works central abdominals, obliques & back/glutes, plus an integrated move working multiple muscle groups and a cardio burner for core overload!

Look out for these classes in your club as Caroline takes the roadshow global!

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